
Posts Tagged ‘Podio’

#CitrixSynergy keynote – What will be announced?

So here we are! Keynote is about to start!

what can we expect? This is one thing that I definitely like to see:

– MDM + MAM + MIM + XA/XD= one solution/service! Have they finally made some progress into integrating Zenprise, AppController and StoreFront into one “App Store” and policy governance model so that we have one (1) app that handles both MDM, MAM and MIM from a device/user perspective?

Let the show begin! 🙂



#Citrix Nails Its Enterprise Mobility Strategy – #XenMobile, #BYOD – via @ekhnaser

Read this great article and see if you agree! 😉

Citrix Nails Its Enterprise Mobility Strategy

I have been very pleased with the strategy, execution and the road map that Citrix has developed around Enterprise Mobility. With the announcement of XenMobile MDM and the Mobile Solutions bundle, I can very easily say that the Citrix solution is the most complete and feature-rich offering on the market today.

XenMobile MDM is simply a name change for Zenprise, which Citrix acquired a few months earlier. I expected Citrix to simply change the “Z” to “X” and keep the name, but I guess Citrix marketing did not find that as amusing. That is not the only change that occurred: A new version of “Zenprise” also accompanies this release, and XenMobile MDM now brings it to version 8.0.1.

Many customers and colleagues have asked me why Citrix acquired an MDM provider — what are the value-adds and isn’t the world moving towards MAM anyway? To answer, we have to make a clear distinction between the use cases. I agree and concur that for BYOD initiatives, MAM is a better, cleaner way of doing this things and that MDM is not the ideal solution.

That being said, there are plenty of use cases where MDM is the only solution that makes sense and I will give you real-world examples. Have you heard of the “Belly” card? It is a customer recognition and rewards program from a company HQ’ed in Chicago that offers merchants a locked down iPad for display in their place of business. Customers can come in and scan their mobile phones on the iPad provided and after a certain number of check-ins they are offered a reward for their loyalty. In this case, belly would have very little use for MAM; they need an MDM solution to manage the thousands of iPads they have deployed.

Another example: United Airlines and American Airlines allow customers to use mobile devices in the cabin to purchase goods in-flight. Obviously, the airlines don’t want the flight attendants to use their own device for this, MDM shines again here.

Finally, what about financial institutions that want to continue to issue corporate-managed devices of different flavors? It’d be for security reasons, obviously. In this case, MDM shines.

When I see bloggers and analysts disqualify MDM, they are not thinking beyond BYOD, where the business world could have a use case built around an application they issue on a mobile device.

Did Citrix strike gold with its acquisition of Zenprise? I will say this much: It was one of the best acquisitions the company has ever made. The natural follow-up question is, what about CloudGateway? And my answer is, it is the glue that holds everything together and is the most important product in the Citrix solution today. Everything will go through CloudGateway moving forward and at version 2.5 has the following features:

  • Enterprise app store with identity management capabilities for a single sign-on like experience
  • Windows Applications and Desktops through XenApp and XenDesktop
  • Mobile applications integration, provisioning, etc.
  • SaaS applications integration, provisioning, etc
  • Integration with Citrix ShareFile for enterprise DropBox functionality

CloudGateway also has a connector for Citrix Podio, and here I’ll be critical of Citrix the same way I’m critical of VMware for not integrating SocialCast. Why Citrix doesn’t make Podio…

Continue reading here!


#Citrix #BYOD Architecture overview – #XenMobile, #Mobility

February 28, 2013 Leave a comment

I must say that this blog post is of course Citrix “twisted”, but I really like it! And it shows how Citrix provides a pretty complete offering in order to deliver Mobility- and BYO-compliant services.

The Citrix blog written by Christopher Campbell makes sense and I also agree that a picture is worth a thousand words! 🙂

I’m going to make this real easy and simple. As my grandfather would say “A picture is worth a thousand words”.

If you’re a XenDesktop or XenApp customer this is what your environment probably looks like.

Now this is what you need to enable BYOD and add that MAM, MDM, MIM (Data) and overall EMM functionality you’re looking for.

This is what your environment looks like after you enable BYOD.

Didn’t get that? OK, here is what BYOD looks like with multiple vendors.

Now, here is what BYOD looks like with Citrix.

Got it?

Read the whole blog post here!


#Podio New Feature: Real-Time Commenting

February 12, 2013 Leave a comment

New Feature: Let the Live Show Begin with Real-Time Commenting

12.02.13 Posted in Product News by 

As we announced at the end of last year, 200,000 companies have now jumped on Podio to change the way they collaborate for the better. But there’s no resting here. We have grand plans for what the future or work will look like, something that we can reveal more about today.

One of the best things about Podio becoming part of Citrix last year is that we can bring great technologies together to enable collaboration like you’ve never imagined. And, we can do this faster than ever.

We’re aiming to add real-time collaboration to the structured responsibilities, deadlines, and the clear overview that Podio users already enjoy. This will bring live, in context, discussions right into Podio, creating the most complete collaboration experience ever.

Not on Podio yet and want to find out what this all about? That’s easy, sign up for free here.

Following the initial integration of GoToMeeting in Podio Apps last year we can now bring you further enhancements to Podio’s real-time capabilities, and there’s more to come… Here’s what’s new today:

Live commenting on items: When viewing any app item in Podio, perhaps a project or a sales lead, you’ll see new comments apear as soon as they’re posted by your coworkers. There’s no need to refresh the page or check your inbox.

Presence on items: Along with seeing how many people are following an item, you can now also see who’s viewing the item at the same time as you, reducing the chance of both editing the item at the same time, but also making it easier to start a conversation with your coworker who are also looking at the same item as you.

And one more thing… Like comments: Mouse over any comment in Podio and you’ll notice a new like icon. We’ve been testing this within the Podio team for a couple of week…

Continue reading here!


User Data Mess! #ShareFile, #Podio, #DropBox #SmartAccess etc…

December 4, 2012 1 comment

This blog post is not really supposed to give any clear message, just to confuse a bit more and see if anyone out there can assist in clearing the view going forward from a strategy point of view.

The main question is; how are users going to leverage and consume services so that they know where to store and get to their data, collaborate with it, archive it etc.? 

Right now I personally live in a very confused world, but I’m still a bit of a geek so I got a fairly good idea on how and where to store my data so that I can reach it and store it the best possible way. But just today I have the following services and capabilities that I consume;

  • Personal Data
    • DropBox
    • iCloud
    • Local Macbook Air that is backed up to my TimeMachine
    • DVD’s etc…
  • Corporate Data
    • ShareFile (On-premise and public ShareFile service)
    • DropBox
    • H:\ drive
    • SharePoint (Office 365)
    • Document management system

This picture is an ugly and quickly put together one but kind of highlight the problem we face as solution architects when we shall try and paint the way forward and the wanted position for our corporation in terms of how to provide cost effective, simple and intuitive storage services to our end-users.


So how are users going to know where to store which type of data, and where and when they can get to it, from which device and from which application? This is getting confusing for them…

Read more…